Hello Hugo !

You may have noticed some turbulence recently here. Especially in the RSS stream. It will now calm down, promised. What happened ?

After 14 years rolling with WordPress, I’ve finally decided to change for a static website. It is generated with Hugo. I was thinking about this for some time.

The new address is https://www.cedricbonhomme.org and the feed for your aggregator is available at https://www.cedricbonhomme.org/blog/index.xml.
Please, update your bookmarks! Else you will miss a lot of awesome posts ;-)

Articles from the database of WordPress are now stored in simple Markdown files. All original articles are available on this brand new blog. In addition, I took care to not break previous URIs: example. You know, Cool URIs don’t change.

The migration from WordPress to Hugo was very easy thanks to a WordPress plugin. Despite the fact that I had to manually fix a lot of internal links between the articles and links to pictures (yes, I managed to recover all resources: pictures and various files). The work is not finished yet, but the current state is pretty good.

I like to write new posts in a simple local text editor. The WYSIWYG editor of WordPress was becoming a pain for me. Since the last three years, to be honest.
It is now even easier to paste snippets of code. The rendering is pretty decent.
The templates used by the theme are very clean and easy to customize for somebody like me. I already made two contributions (one fix and one feature) for this theme. I plan to make other pull requests.
I also discovered the shortcodes, a really nice Hugo feature.

Another reason is Git. The versioning of the content, decentralized backup and simple deployment. I can just push new articles over SSH or use a deployment workflow (for the time being I am using a Makefile…).

The simplicity of static websites is another important point. No database, no PHP and no PHP extensions. It’s really fast. Fast to build, for me. Fast to be displayed for the readers, you.
No more login screen to a dashboard. No more HTML forms. No password, no two factor authentication, no user account.

I won’t argue with the traditional “WordPress is not secure” thing. It’s bullshit. The WordPress community is big, dynamic and reactive with security issues. But, there are people who should not manage a website.

Finally, I’m very happy with this decision. I am sure it won’t be re-migrated to WordPress in a few years.

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