Dive Into Python 3
Bonne nouvelle. Mark Pilgrim est en train d’écrire Dive Into Python 3.
Dive Into Python 3 couvrira les différences entre Python 2 et Python 3 avec 50% de nouveautés. La première édition de ce livre était déjà excellente. Et celle-ci devrait être au moins du même niveau. Un aperçu est déjà disponible en ligne bien sûr. Elle est sous licence CC-BY-3.0.
Une fois que j’aurai terminé Programming in Python 3 et que DIP 3 sera finalisé, je pourrais me mettre à ce nouveau livre.
Une jolie note à la fin du source de la page HTML :
As I write this, the year is 2009, and the internet is STILL a battleground of
so-called “intellectual property” disputes. Some people would have you
believe that without proper financial incentives, music, literature, and
software would disappear. After all, who would make music if they cant make
money on it? Who would write? Who would program?I know the answer. The answer is that musicians will make music, not because
they can make money, but because musicians are the people who cant not make
music. Writers will write because they cant not write. Most of the people
you think of as artists are really just showmen. They collect a paycheck and
go home at 5 o’clock. That’s not art, that’s commerce.I’ve been programming since 1983 and releasing my code under Free Software
licenses since 1993. I’ve been writing and publishing under Free Content
licenses since 2000. I cant imagine not doing this. If you can imagine
yourself not doing what you’re doing, do something else. Do whatever it is
you cant not do.